#pragma once #include "type_traits.hpp" #include <cstring> #include <functional> #include <limits> #include <optional> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> namespace ss { // todo // taken from // https://gist.github.com/oschonrock/67fc870ba067ebf0f369897a9d52c2dd //////////////// // number converters //////////////// template <typename T> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point_v<T>, T> pow10(int n) { T ret = 1.0; T r = 10.0; if (n < 0) { n = -n; r = 0.1; } while (n) { if (n & 1) { ret *= r; } r *= r; n >>= 1; } return ret; } template <typename T> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point_v<T>, std::optional<T>> to_num( const char* begin, const char* const end) { if (begin == end) { return std::nullopt; } int sign = 1; T int_part = 0.0; T frac_part = 0.0; bool has_frac = false; bool has_exp = false; // +/- sign if (*begin == '-') { ++begin; sign = -1; } while (begin != end) { if (*begin >= '0' && *begin <= '9') { int_part = int_part * 10 + (*begin - '0'); } else if (*begin == '.') { has_frac = true; ++begin; break; } else if (*begin == 'e') { has_exp = true; ++begin; break; } else { return std::nullopt; } ++begin; } if (has_frac) { T frac_exp = 0.1; while (begin != end) { if (*begin >= '0' && *begin <= '9') { frac_part += frac_exp * (*begin - '0'); frac_exp *= 0.1; } else if (*begin == 'e') { has_exp = true; ++begin; break; } else { return std::nullopt; } ++begin; } } // parsing exponent part T exp_part = 1.0; if (begin != end && has_exp) { int exp_sign = 1; if (*begin == '-') { exp_sign = -1; ++begin; } else if (*begin == '+') { ++begin; } int e = 0; while (begin != end && *begin >= '0' && *begin <= '9') { e = e * 10 + *begin - '0'; ++begin; } exp_part = pow10<T>(exp_sign * e); } if (begin != end) { return std::nullopt; } return sign * (int_part + frac_part) * exp_part; } inline std::optional<short> from_char(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return c - '0'; } return std::nullopt; } #if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GUNG__) //////////////// // mul overflow detection //////////////// template <typename T> bool mul_overflow(T& result, T operand) { return __builtin_mul_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool mul_overflow(int& result, int operand) { return __builtin_smul_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool mul_overflow(long& result, long operand) { return __builtin_smull_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool mul_overflow(long long& result, long long operand) { return __builtin_smulll_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool mul_overflow(unsigned int& result, unsigned int operand) { return __builtin_umul_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool mul_overflow(unsigned long& result, unsigned long operand) { return __builtin_umull_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool mul_overflow(unsigned long long& result, unsigned long long operand) { return __builtin_umulll_overflow(result, operand, &result); } //////////////// // addition overflow detection //////////////// template <typename T> inline bool add_overflow(T& result, T operand) { return __builtin_add_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool add_overflow(int& result, int operand) { return __builtin_sadd_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool add_overflow(long& result, long operand) { return __builtin_saddl_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool add_overflow(long long& result, long long operand) { return __builtin_saddll_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool add_overflow(unsigned int& result, unsigned int operand) { return __builtin_uadd_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool add_overflow(unsigned long& result, unsigned long operand) { return __builtin_uaddl_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool add_overflow(unsigned long long& result, unsigned long long operand) { return __builtin_uaddll_overflow(result, operand, &result); } //////////////// // substraction overflow detection //////////////// template <typename T> inline bool sub_overflow(T& result, T operand) { return __builtin_sub_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool sub_overflow(int& result, int operand) { return __builtin_ssub_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool sub_overflow(long& result, long operand) { return __builtin_ssubl_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool sub_overflow(long long& result, long long operand) { return __builtin_ssubll_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool sub_overflow(unsigned int& result, unsigned int operand) { return __builtin_usub_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool sub_overflow(unsigned long& result, unsigned long operand) { return __builtin_usubl_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <> inline bool sub_overflow(unsigned long long& result, unsigned long long operand) { return __builtin_usubll_overflow(result, operand, &result); } template <typename T, typename F> bool shift_and_add_overflow(T& value, T digit, F add_last_digit_owerflow) { if (mul_overflow<T>(value, 10) || add_last_digit_owerflow(value, digit)) { return true; } return false; } #else #warning "use clang or gcc!!!" template <typename T, typename U> bool shift_and_add_overflow(T& value, T digit, U is_negative) { digit = (is_negative) ? -digit : digit; T old_value = value; value = 10 * value + digit; T expected_old_value = (value - digit) / 10; if (old_value != expected_old_value) { return true; } return false; } #endif template <typename T> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T>, std::optional<T>> to_num( const char* begin, const char* end) { if (begin == end) { return std::nullopt; } bool is_negative = false; if constexpr (std::is_signed_v<T>) { is_negative = *begin == '-'; if (is_negative) { ++begin; } } #if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__) auto add_last_digit_owerflow = (is_negative) ? sub_overflow<T> : add_overflow<T>; #else auto add_last_digit_owerflow = is_negative; #endif T value = 0; for (auto i = begin; i != end; ++i) { if (auto digit = from_char(*i); !digit || shift_and_add_overflow<T>(value, digit.value(), add_last_digit_owerflow)) { return std::nullopt; } } return value; } //////////////// // extract //////////////// namespace error { template <typename T> struct unsupported_type { constexpr static bool value = false; }; } /* namespace */ template <typename T> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_integral_v<T> && !std::is_floating_point_v<T> && !is_instance_of<T, std::optional>::value, bool> extract(const char*, const char*, T&) { static_assert(error::unsupported_type<T>::value, "Conversion for given type is not defined, an " "\'extract\' function needs to be defined!"); } template <typename T> std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T> || std::is_floating_point_v<T>, bool> extract(const char* begin, const char* end, T& value) { auto optional_value = to_num<T>(begin, end); if (!optional_value) { return false; } value = optional_value.value(); return true; } template <typename T> std::enable_if_t<is_instance_of<T, std::optional>::value, bool> extract( const char* begin, const char* end, T& value) { typename T::value_type raw_value; if (extract(begin, end, raw_value)) { value = raw_value; } else { value = std::nullopt; } return true; } //////////////// // extract specialization //////////////// template <> inline bool extract(const char* begin, const char* end, bool& value) { if (end == begin + 1) { if (*begin == '1') { value = true; } else if (*begin == '0') { value = false; } else { return false; } } else { size_t size = end - begin; if (size == 4 && strncmp(begin, "true", size) == 0) { value = true; } else if (size == 5 && strncmp(begin, "false", size) == 0) { value = false; } else { return false; } } return true; } template <> inline bool extract(const char* begin, const char* end, char& value) { value = *begin; return (end == begin + 1); } template <> inline bool extract(const char* begin, const char* end, std::string& value) { value = std::string(begin, end); return true; } } /* ss */