#pragma once #include "setup.hpp" #include "type_traits.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include namespace ss { using string_range = std::pair; using split_input = std::vector; // the error can be set inside a string, or a bool enum class error_mode { error_string, error_bool }; template class splitter { private: constexpr static auto default_delimiter = ","; using quote = typename setup::quote; using trim = typename setup::trim; using escape = typename setup::escape; constexpr static auto is_const_line = !quote::enabled && !escape::enabled; public: using line_ptr_type = typename ternary::type; bool valid() const { return (error_mode_ == error_mode::error_string) ? string_error_.empty() : bool_error_ == false; } bool unterminated_quote() const { return unterminated_quote_; } const std::string& error_msg() const { return string_error_; } void set_error_mode(error_mode mode) { error_mode_ = mode; } const split_input& split(line_ptr_type new_line, const std::string& delimiter = default_delimiter) { input_.clear(); return resplit(new_line, -1, delimiter); } void adjust_ranges(const char* old_line) { for (auto& [begin, end] : input_) { begin = begin - old_line + line_; end = end - old_line + line_; } } const split_input& resplit( line_ptr_type new_line, ssize_t new_size, const std::string& delimiter = default_delimiter) { line_ = new_line; // resplitting, continue from last slice if (!input_.empty() && unterminated_quote()) { const auto& last = std::prev(input_.end()); const auto [old_line, old_begin] = *last; size_t begin = old_begin - old_line - 1; input_.pop_back(); adjust_ranges(old_line); // safety measure if (new_size != -1 && static_cast(new_size) < begin) { set_error_invalid_resplit(); return input_; } begin_ = line_ + begin; } return split_impl_select_delim(delimiter); } private: //////////////// // error //////////////// void clear_error() { string_error_.clear(); bool_error_ = false; unterminated_quote_ = false; } void set_error_empty_delimiter() { if (error_mode_ == error_mode::error_string) { string_error_.clear(); string_error_.append("empty delimiter"); } else { bool_error_ = true; } } void set_error_mismatched_quote(size_t n) { if (error_mode_ == error_mode::error_string) { string_error_.clear(); string_error_.append("mismatched quote at position: " + std::to_string(n)); } else { bool_error_ = true; } } void set_error_unterminated_quote() { unterminated_quote_ = true; if (error_mode_ == error_mode::error_string) { string_error_.clear(); string_error_.append("unterminated quote"); } else { bool_error_ = true; } } void set_error_invalid_resplit() { unterminated_quote_ = false; if (error_mode_ == error_mode::error_string) { string_error_.clear(); string_error_.append("invalid resplit, new line must be longer" "than the end of the last slice"); } else { bool_error_ = true; } } //////////////// // matching //////////////// bool match(const char* const curr, char delim) { return *curr == delim; }; bool match(const char* const curr, const std::string& delim) { return strncmp(curr, delim.c_str(), delim.size()) == 0; }; size_t delimiter_size(char) { return 1; } size_t delimiter_size(const std::string& delim) { return delim.size(); } void trim_if_enabled(line_ptr_type& curr) { if constexpr (trim::enabled) { while (trim::match(*curr)) { ++curr; } } } void shift_if_escaped(line_ptr_type& curr) { if constexpr (escape::enabled) { if (escape::match(*curr)) { *curr_ = end_[1]; ++end_; } } } template std::tuple match_delimiter(line_ptr_type begin, const Delim& delim) { line_ptr_type end = begin; trim_if_enabled(end); // just spacing if (*end == '\0') { return {0, false}; } // not a delimiter if (!match(end, delim)) { shift_if_escaped(end); return {1 + end - begin, false}; } end += delimiter_size(delim); trim_if_enabled(end); // delimiter return {end - begin, true}; } //////////////// // matching //////////////// void shift() { if constexpr (!is_const_line) { *curr_ = *end_; ++curr_; } ++end_; } void shift(size_t n) { if constexpr (!is_const_line) { memcpy(curr_, end_, n); curr_ += n; } end_ += n; } void push_and_start_next(size_t n) { push_range(); begin_ = end_ + n; } const split_input& split_impl_select_delim( const std::string& delimiter = default_delimiter) { clear_error(); switch (delimiter.size()) { case 0: set_error_empty_delimiter(); return input_; case 1: return split_impl(delimiter[0]); default: return split_impl(delimiter); } } template const split_input& split_impl(const Delim& delim) { if (input_.empty()) { begin_ = line_; } trim_if_enabled(begin_); for (done_ = false; !done_; state_begin(delim)) ; return input_; } //////////////// // states //////////////// void push_range() { if constexpr (is_const_line) { input_.emplace_back(begin_, end_); } else { input_.emplace_back(begin_, curr_); } } template void state_begin(const Delim& delim) { if constexpr (quote::enabled) { if (quote::match(*begin_)) { curr_ = end_ = ++begin_; state_quoting(delim); return; } } curr_ = end_ = begin_; state_reading(delim); } template void state_reading(const Delim& delim) { while (true) { auto [width, valid] = match_delimiter(end_, delim); if (!valid) { // not a delimiter if (width == 0) { // eol push_range(); done_ = true; break; } else { shift(width); continue; } } else { // found delimiter push_and_start_next(width); break; } } } template void state_quoting(const Delim& delim) { if constexpr (quote::enabled) { while (true) { if (!quote::match(*end_)) { if constexpr (escape::enabled) { if (escape::match(*end_)) { ++end_; shift(); continue; } } // unterminated quote error // eg: ..."hell\0 -> quote not terminated if (*end_ == '\0') { set_error_unterminated_quote(); input_.emplace_back(line_, begin_); done_ = true; break; } shift(); continue; } auto [width, valid] = match_delimiter(end_ + 1, delim); // delimiter if (valid) { push_and_start_next(width + 1); break; } // double quote // eg: ...,"hel""lo",... -> hel"lo if (quote::match(end_[1])) { ++end_; shift(); continue; } // not a delimiter if (width == 0) { // eol // eg: ...,"hello" \0 -> hello // eg no trim: ...,"hello"\0 -> hello push_range(); } else { // mismatched quote // eg: ...,"hel"lo,... -> error set_error_mismatched_quote(end_ - line_); input_.emplace_back(line_, begin_); } done_ = true; break; } } } //////////////// // members //////////////// std::string string_error_; bool bool_error_{false}; bool unterminated_quote_{false}; enum error_mode error_mode_ { error_mode::error_bool }; line_ptr_type begin_; line_ptr_type curr_; line_ptr_type end_; line_ptr_type line_; bool done_; public: split_input input_; }; } /* ss */