mirror of https://github.com/red0124/ssp.git synced 2025-03-11 15:47:56 +01:00

275 lines
7.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include "type_traits.hpp"
#include <array>
namespace ss {
// matcher
template <char... Cs>
struct matcher {
template <char X, char... Xs>
static bool match_impl(char c) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Xs) != 0) {
return (c == X) || match_impl<Xs...>(c);
return (c == X);
constexpr static bool contains_string_terminator() {
for (const auto& match : matches) {
if (match == '\0') {
return false;
return true;
static bool match(char c) {
return match_impl<Cs...>(c);
constexpr static bool enabled = true;
constexpr static std::array<char, sizeof...(Cs)> matches{Cs...};
"string terminator cannot be used as a match character");
template <typename FirstMatcher, typename SecondMatcher>
inline constexpr bool matches_intersect() {
for (const auto& first_match : FirstMatcher::matches) {
for (const auto& second_match : SecondMatcher::matches) {
if (first_match != '\0' && first_match == second_match) {
return true;
return false;
template <typename FirstMatcher, typename SecondMatcher1,
typename SecondMatcher2>
inline constexpr bool matches_intersect_union() {
return matches_intersect<FirstMatcher, SecondMatcher1>() ||
matches_intersect<FirstMatcher, SecondMatcher2>();
template <>
class matcher<'\0'> {
constexpr static bool enabled = false;
constexpr static std::array<char, 1> matches{'\0'};
static bool match(char c) = delete;
// setup
// matcher
template <char C>
struct quote : matcher<C> {};
template <char... Cs>
struct trim : matcher<Cs...> {};
template <char... Cs>
struct trim_left : matcher<Cs...> {};
template <char... Cs>
struct trim_right : matcher<Cs...> {};
template <char... Cs>
struct escape : matcher<Cs...> {};
template <typename T, template <char...> class Template>
struct is_instance_of_matcher : std::false_type {};
template <char... Ts, template <char...> class Template>
struct is_instance_of_matcher<Template<Ts...>, Template> : std::true_type {};
template <typename T, template <char...> class Template>
using is_instance_of_matcher_t =
typename is_instance_of_matcher<T, Template>::type;
template <template <char...> class Matcher, typename... Ts>
struct get_matcher;
template <template <char...> class Matcher, typename T, typename... Ts>
struct get_matcher<Matcher, T, Ts...> {
template <typename U>
struct is_matcher : is_instance_of_matcher<U, Matcher> {};
static_assert(count_v<is_matcher, T, Ts...> <= 1,
"the same matcher cannot"
"be defined multiple times");
using type = std::conditional_t<is_matcher<T>::value, T,
typename get_matcher<Matcher, Ts...>::type>;
template <template <char...> class Matcher>
struct get_matcher<Matcher> {
using type = Matcher<'\0'>;
template <template <char...> class Matcher, typename... Ts>
using get_matcher_t = typename get_matcher<Matcher, Ts...>::type;
// multiline
template <size_t S, bool B = true>
struct multiline_restricted {
constexpr static auto size = S;
constexpr static auto enabled = B;
using multiline = multiline_restricted<0>;
template <typename T>
struct is_instance_of_multiline : std::false_type {};
template <size_t S, bool B>
struct is_instance_of_multiline<multiline_restricted<S, B>> : std::true_type {};
template <typename T>
using is_instance_of_multiline_t = typename is_instance_of_multiline<T>::type;
template <typename... Ts>
struct get_multiline;
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
struct get_multiline<T, Ts...> {
using type = std::conditional_t<is_instance_of_multiline<T>::value, T,
typename get_multiline<Ts...>::type>;
template <>
struct get_multiline<> {
using type = multiline_restricted<0, false>;
template <typename... Ts>
using get_multiline_t = typename get_multiline<Ts...>::type;
// string_error
class string_error;
// ignore_header
class ignore_header;
// ignore_empty
class ignore_empty;
// setup implementation
template <typename... Ts>
struct setup {
template <typename T>
struct is_matcher
: std::disjunction<is_instance_of_matcher_t<T, quote>,
is_instance_of_matcher_t<T, escape>,
is_instance_of_matcher_t<T, trim>,
is_instance_of_matcher_t<T, trim_left>,
is_instance_of_matcher_t<T, trim_right>> {};
template <typename T>
struct is_string_error : std::is_same<T, string_error> {};
template <typename T>
struct is_ignore_header : std::is_same<T, ignore_header> {};
template <typename T>
struct is_ignore_empty : std::is_same<T, ignore_empty> {};
constexpr static auto count_matcher = count_v<is_matcher, Ts...>;
constexpr static auto count_multiline =
count_v<is_instance_of_multiline, Ts...>;
constexpr static auto count_string_error = count_v<is_string_error, Ts...>;
constexpr static auto count_ignore_header =
count_v<is_ignore_header, Ts...>;
constexpr static auto count_ignore_empty = count_v<is_ignore_empty, Ts...>;
constexpr static auto number_of_valid_setup_types =
count_matcher + count_multiline + count_string_error +
count_ignore_header + count_ignore_empty;
using trim_left_only = get_matcher_t<trim_left, Ts...>;
using trim_right_only = get_matcher_t<trim_right, Ts...>;
using trim_all = get_matcher_t<trim, Ts...>;
using quote = get_matcher_t<quote, Ts...>;
using escape = get_matcher_t<escape, Ts...>;
using trim_left =
std::conditional_t<trim_all::enabled, trim_all, trim_left_only>;
using trim_right =
std::conditional_t<trim_all::enabled, trim_all, trim_right_only>;
using multiline = get_multiline_t<Ts...>;
constexpr static bool string_error = (count_string_error == 1);
constexpr static bool ignore_header = (count_ignore_header == 1);
constexpr static bool ignore_empty = (count_ignore_empty == 1);
#define ASSERT_MSG "cannot have the same match character in multiple matchers"
static_assert(!matches_intersect<escape, quote>(), ASSERT_MSG);
constexpr static auto quote_trim_intersect =
matches_intersect_union<quote, trim_left, trim_right>();
static_assert(!quote_trim_intersect, ASSERT_MSG);
constexpr static auto escape_trim_intersect =
matches_intersect_union<escape, trim_left, trim_right>();
static_assert(!escape_trim_intersect, ASSERT_MSG);
!multiline::enabled ||
(multiline::enabled && (quote::enabled || escape::enabled)),
"to enable multiline either quote or escape need to be enabled");
static_assert(!(trim_all::enabled && trim_left_only::enabled) &&
!(trim_all::enabled && trim_right_only::enabled),
"ambiguous trim setup");
static_assert(count_multiline <= 1, "mutliline defined multiple times");
static_assert(count_string_error <= 1,
"string_error defined multiple times");
static_assert(number_of_valid_setup_types == sizeof...(Ts),
"one or multiple invalid setup parameters defined");
template <typename... Ts>
struct setup<setup<Ts...>> : setup<Ts...> {};
} /* ss */