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2023-07-03 22:35:58 +02:00
}: let
scratchpad_cmd = "floating enable, resize set 1502 845, move position center, move scratchpad, scratchpad show";
in {
xsession.windowManager.i3 = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.i3;
extraConfig = ''
new_window pixel 3
hide_edge_borders smart
config = rec {
modifier = "Mod1";
keybindings = lib.mkOptionDefault {
"${modifier}+Shift+Return" = "exec alacritty";
"${modifier}+m" = "layout toggle splith tabbed";
"${modifier}+t" = "split toggle";
"${modifier}+s" = "layout toggle split";
"${modifier}+1" = "workspace 1";
"${modifier}+2" = "workspace 2";
"${modifier}+3" = "workspace 3";
"${modifier}+4" = "workspace 4";
"${modifier}+5" = "workspace 5";
"${modifier}+6" = "workspace 6";
"${modifier}+7" = "workspace 7";
"${modifier}+8" = "workspace 8";
"${modifier}+9" = "workspace 9";
"${modifier}+0" = "workspace 10";
"${modifier}+Shift+1" = "move container to workspace 1";
"${modifier}+Shift+2" = "move container to workspace 2";
"${modifier}+Shift+3" = "move container to workspace 3";
"${modifier}+Shift+4" = "move container to workspace 4";
"${modifier}+Shift+5" = "move container to workspace 5";
"${modifier}+Shift+6" = "move container to workspace 6";
"${modifier}+Shift+7" = "move container to workspace 7";
"${modifier}+Shift+8" = "move container to workspace 8";
"${modifier}+Shift+9" = "move container to workspace 9";
"${modifier}+Shift+0" = "move container to workspace 10";
"${modifier}+h" = "focus left";
"${modifier}+j" = "focus down";
"${modifier}+k" = "focus up";
"${modifier}+l" = "focus right";
"${modifier}+slash" = "exec ${pkgs.rofi}/bin/rofi -show window";
"${modifier}+Escape" = "workspace back_and_forth";
"${modifier}+p" = "exec ${pkgs.dmenu}/bin/dmenu_run";
"Mod4+l" = "exec i3-msg [instance=\"python3_scr\"] scratchpad show || exec alacritty --class python3_scr -e python3";
"Mod4+j" = "exec i3-msg [class=\"ViberPC\"] scratchpad show || exec viber";
"Mod4+m" = "exec i3-msg [class=\"Thunderbird\"] scratchpad show || exec thunderbird";
"Mod4+y" = "exec i3-msg [instance=\"pulsemixer_scr\"] scratchpad show || exec alacritty --class pulsemixer_scr -e pulsemixer";
window = {
border = 4;
commands = [
command = scratchpad_cmd;
criteria = {instance = "pulsemixer_scr|python3_scr";};
command = scratchpad_cmd;
criteria = {class = "Thunderbird";};
command = scratchpad_cmd;
criteria = {
class = "ViberPC";
title = "Viber";
command = "focus child, layout tabbed, focus";
criteria = {class = "qutebrowser";};
bars = [
position = "top";
fonts = {
names = ["DejaVu Sans Mono" "FontAwesome5Free"];
style = "Fixed Bold SemiCondensed";
size = 7.0;
statusCommand = "i3status-rs /home/akill/.config/i3status-rust/config-top.toml";
extraConfig = ''
workspace_min_width 30