2023-07-08 15:13:12 +02:00

629 lines
18 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

" Supporting code -------------------------------------------------------------
" Preamble {{{
" ~/.local/share/nvim/plugged/vim-colorschemes/colors/ado.vim
if !has("gui_running") && &t_Co != 88 && &t_Co != 256
set background=dark
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "ado"
if !exists("g:badwolf_html_link_underline") " {{{
let g:badwolf_html_link_underline = 1
endif " }}}
if !exists("g:badwolf_css_props_highlight") " {{{
let g:badwolf_css_props_highlight = 0
endif " }}}
" }}}
" Palette {{{
let s:bwc = {}
" The most basic of all our colors is a slightly tweaked version of the Molokai
" Normal text.
let s:bwc.plain = ['f8f6f2', 15]
" Pure and simple.
let s:bwc.snow = ['ffffff', 15]
let s:bwc.coal = ['000000', 16]
" All of the Gravel colors are based on a brown from Clouds Midnight.
let s:bwc.brightgravel = ['d9cec3', 252]
let s:bwc.lightgravel = ['998f84', 245]
let s:bwc.gravel = ['857f78', 243]
let s:bwc.mediumgravel = ['666462', 241]
let s:bwc.deepgravel = ['45413b', 238]
let s:bwc.deepergravel = ['35322d', 236]
let s:bwc.darkgravel = ['242321', 235]
let s:bwc.blackgravel = ['1c1b1a', 233]
let s:bwc.blackestgravel = ['141413', 232]
" A color sampled from a highlight in a photo of a glass of Dale's Pale Ale on
" my desk.
let s:bwc.dalespale = ['fade3e', 221]
" orange3
let s:bwc.orange3 = ['d75f00', 166]
" A beautiful tan from Tomorrow Night.
let s:bwc.dirtyblonde = ['f4cf86', 222]
" Delicious, chewy red from Made of Code for the poppiest highlights.
let s:bwc.taffy = ['ff2c4b', 160]
" Another chewy accent, but use sparingly!
let s:bwc.saltwatertaffy = ['8cffba', 121]
" The star of the show comes straight from Made of Code.
let s:bwc.tardis = ['0a9dff', 39]
" This one's from Mustang, not Florida!
let s:bwc.orange = ['ffa724', 184]
" A limier green from Getafe.
let s:bwc.lime = ['aeee00', 220]
" A limier green from Getafe.
let s:bwc.lime2 = ['aeee00', 164]
" Rose's dress in The Idiot's Lantern.
let s:bwc.dress = ['ff9eb8', 161]
" Another play on the brown from Clouds Midnight. I love that color.
let s:bwc.toffee = ['b88853', 137]
" Also based on that Clouds Midnight brown.
let s:bwc.coffee = ['c7915b', 173]
let s:bwc.darkroast = ['88633f', 95]
" }}}
" Highlighting Function {{{
function! s:HL(group, fg, ...)
" Arguments: group, guifg, guibg, gui, guisp
let histring = 'hi ' . a:group . ' '
if strlen(a:fg)
if a:fg == 'fg'
let histring .= 'guifg=fg ctermfg=fg '
let c = get(s:bwc, a:fg)
let histring .= 'guifg=#' . c[0] . ' ctermfg=' . c[1] . ' '
if a:0 >= 1 && strlen(a:1)
if a:1 == 'bg'
let histring .= 'guibg=bg ctermbg=bg '
let c = get(s:bwc, a:1)
let histring .= 'guibg=#' . c[0] . ' ctermbg=' . c[1] . ' '
if a:0 >= 2 && strlen(a:2)
let histring .= 'gui=' . a:2 . ' cterm=' . a:2 . ' '
if a:0 >= 3 && strlen(a:3)
let c = get(s:bwc, a:3)
let histring .= 'guisp=#' . c[0] . ' '
" echom histring
execute histring
" }}}
" Configuration Options {{{
if exists('g:badwolf_darkgutter') && g:badwolf_darkgutter
let s:gutter = 'blackestgravel'
let s:gutter = 'blackgravel'
if exists('g:badwolf_tabline')
if g:badwolf_tabline == 0
let s:tabline = 'blackestgravel'
elseif g:badwolf_tabline == 1
let s:tabline = 'blackgravel'
elseif g:badwolf_tabline == 2
let s:tabline = 'darkgravel'
elseif g:badwolf_tabline == 3
let s:tabline = 'deepgravel'
let s:tabline = 'blackestgravel'
let s:tabline = 'blackgravel'
" }}}
" Actual colorscheme ----------------------------------------------------------
" Vanilla Vim {{{
" General/UI {{{
call s:HL('Normal', 'plain', 'blackgravel')
call s:HL('Folded', 'mediumgravel', 'bg', 'none')
call s:HL('VertSplit', 'lightgravel', 'bg', 'none')
call s:HL('CursorLine', '', 'darkgravel', 'none')
call s:HL('CursorColumn', '', 'darkgravel')
call s:HL('ColorColumn', '', 'darkgravel')
call s:HL('TabLine', 'plain', s:tabline, 'none')
call s:HL('TabLineFill', 'plain', s:tabline, 'none')
call s:HL('TabLineSel', 'coal', 'tardis', 'none')
call s:HL('MatchParen', 'dalespale', 'darkgravel', 'bold')
call s:HL('NonText', 'deepgravel', 'bg')
call s:HL('SpecialKey', 'deepgravel', 'bg')
call s:HL('Visual', '', 'deepgravel')
call s:HL('VisualNOS', '', 'deepgravel')
call s:HL('Search', 'coal', 'dalespale', 'bold')
call s:HL('IncSearch', 'coal', 'tardis', 'bold')
call s:HL('Underlined', 'fg', '', 'underline')
call s:HL('StatusLine', 'coal', 'tardis', 'bold')
call s:HL('StatusLineNC', 'snow', 'deepgravel', 'bold')
call s:HL('Directory', 'dirtyblonde', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('Title', 'lime')
call s:HL('ErrorMsg', 'taffy', 'bg', 'bold')
call s:HL('MoreMsg', 'dalespale', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('ModeMsg', 'dirtyblonde', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('Question', 'dirtyblonde', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('WarningMsg', 'dress', '', 'bold')
" This is a ctags tag, not an HTML one. 'Something you can use c-] on'.
call s:HL('Tag', '', '', 'bold')
" hi IndentGuides guibg=#373737
" hi WildMenu guifg=#66D9EF guibg=#000000
" }}}
" Gutter {{{
call s:HL('LineNr', 'mediumgravel', s:gutter)
call s:HL('SignColumn', '', s:gutter)
call s:HL('FoldColumn', 'mediumgravel', s:gutter)
" }}}
" Cursor {{{
call s:HL('Cursor', 'coal', 'tardis', 'bold')
call s:HL('vCursor', 'coal', 'tardis', 'bold')
call s:HL('iCursor', 'coal', 'tardis', 'none')
" }}}
" Syntax highlighting {{{
" Start with a simple base.
call s:HL('Special', 'plain')
" Comments are slightly brighter than folds, to make 'headers' easier to see.
call s:HL('Comment', 'gravel')
call s:HL('Todo', 'snow', 'bg', 'bold')
call s:HL('SpecialComment', 'snow', 'bg', 'bold')
" Strings are a nice, pale straw color. Nothing too fancy.
call s:HL('String', 'dirtyblonde')
" Control flow stuff is taffy.
call s:HL('Statement', 'taffy', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('Keyword', 'taffy', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('Conditional', 'taffy', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('Operator', 'taffy', '', 'none')
call s:HL('Label', 'taffy', '', 'none')
call s:HL('Repeat', 'taffy', '', 'none')
" Functions and variable declarations are orange, because plain looks weird.
call s:HL('Identifier', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('Function', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('Namespace', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL("cppSTLnamespace", 'dirtyblonde', "", "")
" Preprocessor stuff is lime, to make it pop.
" This includes imports in any given language, because they should usually be
" grouped together at the beginning of a file. If they're in the middle of some
" other code they should stand out, because something tricky is
" probably going on.
call s:HL('PreProc', 'lime', '', 'none')
call s:HL('Macro', 'lime', '', 'none')
call s:HL('Define', 'lime', '', 'none')
call s:HL('PreCondit', 'lime', '', 'bold')
" Constants of all kinds are colored together.
" I'm not really happy with the color yet...
call s:HL('Constant', 'toffee', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('Character', 'toffee', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('Boolean', 'toffee', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('Number', 'toffee', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('Float', 'toffee', '', 'bold')
" Not sure what 'special character in a constant' means, but let's make it pop.
call s:HL('SpecialChar', 'dress', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('Type', 'dress', '', 'none')
call s:HL('StorageClass', 'orange3', '', 'none')
call s:HL('Structure', 'orange3', '', 'none')
call s:HL('Typedef', 'taffy', '', 'bold')
" Make try/catch blocks stand out.
call s:HL('Exception', 'lime', '', 'bold')
" Misc
call s:HL('Error', 'snow', 'orange3', 'bold')
call s:HL('Debug', 'snow', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('Ignore', 'gravel', '', '')
" }}}
" Completion Menu {{{
call s:HL('Pmenu', 'plain', 'deepergravel')
call s:HL('PmenuSel', 'coal', 'tardis', 'bold')
call s:HL('PmenuSbar', '', 'deepergravel')
call s:HL('PmenuThumb', 'brightgravel')
" }}}
" Diffs {{{
call s:HL('DiffDelete', 'coal', 'coal')
call s:HL('DiffAdd', '', 'deepergravel')
call s:HL('DiffChange', '', 'darkgravel')
call s:HL('DiffText', 'snow', 'deepergravel', 'bold')
" }}}
" Spelling {{{
if has("spell")
call s:HL('SpellCap', 'dalespale', 'bg', 'undercurl,bold', 'dalespale')
call s:HL('SpellBad', '', 'bg', 'undercurl', 'dalespale')
call s:HL('SpellLocal', '', '', 'undercurl', 'dalespale')
call s:HL('SpellRare', '', '', 'undercurl', 'dalespale')
" }}}
" }}}
" Plugins {{{
" CtrlP {{{
" the message when no match is found
call s:HL('CtrlPNoEntries', 'snow', 'taffy', 'bold')
" the matched pattern
call s:HL('CtrlPMatch', 'orange', 'bg', 'none')
" the line prefix '>' in the match window
call s:HL('CtrlPLinePre', 'deepgravel', 'bg', 'none')
" the prompts base
call s:HL('CtrlPPrtBase', 'deepgravel', 'bg', 'none')
" the prompts text
call s:HL('CtrlPPrtText', 'plain', 'bg', 'none')
" the prompts cursor when moving over the text
call s:HL('CtrlPPrtCursor', 'coal', 'tardis', 'bold')
" 'prt' or 'win', also for 'regex'
call s:HL('CtrlPMode1', 'coal', 'tardis', 'bold')
" 'file' or 'path', also for the local working dir
call s:HL('CtrlPMode2', 'coal', 'tardis', 'bold')
" the scanning status
call s:HL('CtrlPStats', 'coal', 'tardis', 'bold')
" TODO: CtrlP extensions.
" CtrlPTabExtra : the part of each line thats not matched against (Comment)
" CtrlPqfLineCol : the line and column numbers in quickfix mode (|s:HL-Search|)
" CtrlPUndoT : the elapsed time in undo mode (|s:HL-Directory|)
" CtrlPUndoBr : the square brackets [] in undo mode (Comment)
" CtrlPUndoNr : the undo number inside [] in undo mode (String)
" }}}
" EasyMotion {{{
call s:HL('EasyMotionTarget', 'tardis', 'bg', 'bold')
call s:HL('EasyMotionShade', 'deepgravel', 'bg')
" }}}
" Interesting Words {{{
" These are only used if you're me or have copied the <leader>hNUM mappings
" from my Vimrc.
call s:HL('InterestingWord1', 'coal', 'orange')
call s:HL('InterestingWord2', 'coal', 'lime')
call s:HL('InterestingWord3', 'coal', 'saltwatertaffy')
call s:HL('InterestingWord4', 'coal', 'toffee')
call s:HL('InterestingWord5', 'coal', 'dress')
call s:HL('InterestingWord6', 'coal', 'taffy')
" }}}
" Makegreen {{{
" hi GreenBar term=reverse ctermfg=white ctermbg=green guifg=coal guibg=#9edf1c
" hi RedBar term=reverse ctermfg=white ctermbg=red guifg=white guibg=#C50048
" }}}
" Rainbow Parentheses {{{
call s:HL('level16c', 'mediumgravel', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level15c', 'dalespale', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level14c', 'dress', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level13c', 'orange', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level12c', 'tardis', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level11c', 'lime', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level10c', 'toffee', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level9c', 'saltwatertaffy', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level8c', 'coffee', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level7c', 'dalespale', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level6c', 'dress', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level5c', 'orange', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level4c', 'tardis', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level3c', 'lime', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level2c', 'toffee', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('level1c', 'saltwatertaffy', '', 'bold')
" }}}
" ShowMarks {{{
call s:HL('ShowMarksHLl', 'tardis', 'blackgravel')
call s:HL('ShowMarksHLu', 'tardis', 'blackgravel')
call s:HL('ShowMarksHLo', 'tardis', 'blackgravel')
call s:HL('ShowMarksHLm', 'tardis', 'blackgravel')
" }}}
" }}}
" Filetype-specific {{{
" Clojure {{{
call s:HL('clojureSpecial', 'lime', '', '')
call s:HL('clojureDefn', 'lime', '', '')
call s:HL('clojureDefMacro', 'lime', '', '')
call s:HL('clojureDefine', 'lime', '', '')
call s:HL('clojureMacro', 'lime', '', '')
call s:HL('clojureCond', 'lime', '', '')
call s:HL('clojureKeyword', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('clojureFunc', 'dress', '', 'none')
call s:HL('clojureRepeat', 'dress', '', 'none')
call s:HL('clojureParen0', 'lightgravel', '', 'none')
call s:HL('clojureAnonArg', 'snow', '', 'bold')
" }}}
" CSS {{{
if g:badwolf_css_props_highlight
call s:HL('cssColorProp', 'dirtyblonde', '', 'none')
call s:HL('cssBoxProp', 'dirtyblonde', '', 'none')
call s:HL('cssTextProp', 'dirtyblonde', '', 'none')
call s:HL('cssRenderProp', 'dirtyblonde', '', 'none')
call s:HL('cssGeneratedContentProp', 'dirtyblonde', '', 'none')
call s:HL('cssColorProp', 'fg', '', 'none')
call s:HL('cssBoxProp', 'fg', '', 'none')
call s:HL('cssTextProp', 'fg', '', 'none')
call s:HL('cssRenderProp', 'fg', '', 'none')
call s:HL('cssGeneratedContentProp', 'fg', '', 'none')
call s:HL('cssValueLength', 'toffee', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('cssColor', 'toffee', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('cssBraces', 'lightgravel', '', 'none')
call s:HL('cssIdentifier', 'orange', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('cssClassName', 'orange', '', 'none')
" }}}
" Diff {{{
call s:HL('gitDiff', 'lightgravel', '',)
call s:HL('diffRemoved', 'dress', '',)
call s:HL('diffAdded', 'lime', '',)
call s:HL('diffFile', 'coal', 'taffy', 'bold')
call s:HL('diffNewFile', 'coal', 'taffy', 'bold')
call s:HL('diffLine', 'coal', 'orange', 'bold')
call s:HL('diffSubname', 'orange', '', 'none')
" }}}
" Django Templates {{{
call s:HL('djangoArgument', 'dirtyblonde', '',)
call s:HL('djangoTagBlock', 'orange', '')
call s:HL('djangoVarBlock', 'orange', '')
" hi djangoStatement guifg=#ff3853 gui=bold
" hi djangoVarBlock guifg=#f4cf86
" }}}
" HTML {{{
" Punctuation
call s:HL('htmlTag', 'darkroast', 'bg', 'none')
call s:HL('htmlEndTag', 'darkroast', 'bg', 'none')
" Tag names
call s:HL('htmlTagName', 'coffee', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('htmlSpecialTagName', 'coffee', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('htmlSpecialChar', 'lime', '', 'none')
" Attributes
call s:HL('htmlArg', 'coffee', '', 'none')
" Stuff inside an <a> tag
if g:badwolf_html_link_underline
call s:HL('htmlLink', 'lightgravel', '', 'underline')
call s:HL('htmlLink', 'lightgravel', '', 'none')
" }}}
" Java {{{
call s:HL('javaClassDecl', 'taffy', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('javaScopeDecl', 'taffy', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('javaCommentTitle', 'gravel', '')
call s:HL('javaDocTags', 'snow', '', 'none')
call s:HL('javaDocParam', 'dalespale', '', '')
" }}}
" LaTeX {{{
call s:HL('texStatement', 'tardis', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texMathZoneX', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texMathZoneA', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texMathZoneB', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texMathZoneC', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texMathZoneD', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texMathZoneE', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texMathZoneV', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texMathZoneX', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texMath', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texMathMatcher', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texRefLabel', 'dirtyblonde', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texRefZone', 'lime', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texComment', 'darkroast', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texDelimiter', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('texZone', 'brightgravel', '', 'none')
augroup badwolf_tex
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.tex syn region texMathZoneV start="\\(" end="\\)\|%stopzone\>" keepend contains=@texMathZoneGroup
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.tex syn region texMathZoneX start="\$" skip="\\\\\|\\\$" end="\$\|%stopzone\>" keepend contains=@texMathZoneGroup
augroup END
" }}}
" LessCSS {{{
call s:HL('lessVariable', 'lime', '', 'none')
" }}}
" Lispyscript {{{
call s:HL('lispyscriptDefMacro', 'lime', '', '')
call s:HL('lispyscriptRepeat', 'dress', '', 'none')
" }}}
" Mail {{{
call s:HL('mailSubject', 'orange', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('mailHeader', 'lightgravel', '', '')
call s:HL('mailHeaderKey', 'lightgravel', '', '')
call s:HL('mailHeaderEmail', 'snow', '', '')
call s:HL('mailURL', 'toffee', '', 'underline')
call s:HL('mailSignature', 'gravel', '', 'none')
call s:HL('mailQuoted1', 'gravel', '', 'none')
call s:HL('mailQuoted2', 'dress', '', 'none')
call s:HL('mailQuoted3', 'dirtyblonde', '', 'none')
call s:HL('mailQuoted4', 'orange', '', 'none')
call s:HL('mailQuoted5', 'lime', '', 'none')
" }}}
" Markdown {{{
call s:HL('markdownHeadingRule', 'lightgravel', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('markdownHeadingDelimiter', 'lightgravel', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('markdownOrderedListMarker', 'lightgravel', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('markdownListMarker', 'lightgravel', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('markdownItalic', 'snow', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('markdownBold', 'snow', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('markdownH1', 'orange', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('markdownH2', 'lime', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('markdownH3', 'lime', '', 'none')
call s:HL('markdownH4', 'lime', '', 'none')
call s:HL('markdownH5', 'lime', '', 'none')
call s:HL('markdownH6', 'lime', '', 'none')
call s:HL('markdownLinkText', 'toffee', '', 'underline')
call s:HL('markdownIdDeclaration', 'toffee')
call s:HL('markdownAutomaticLink', 'toffee', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('markdownUrl', 'toffee', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('markdownUrldelimiter', 'lightgravel', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('markdownLinkDelimiter', 'lightgravel', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('markdownLinkTextDelimiter', 'lightgravel', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('markdownCodeDelimiter', 'dirtyblonde', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('markdownCode', 'dirtyblonde', '', 'none')
call s:HL('markdownCodeBlock', 'dirtyblonde', '', 'none')
" }}}
" MySQL {{{
call s:HL('mysqlSpecial', 'dress', '', 'bold')
" }}}
" Python {{{
hi def link pythonOperator Operator
call s:HL('pythonBuiltin', 'dress')
call s:HL('pythonBuiltinObj', 'dress')
call s:HL('pythonBuiltinFunc', 'dress')
call s:HL('pythonEscape', 'dress')
call s:HL('pythonException', 'lime', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('pythonExceptions', 'lime', '', 'none')
call s:HL('pythonPrecondit', 'lime', '', 'none')
call s:HL('pythonDecorator', 'taffy', '', 'none')
call s:HL('pythonRun', 'gravel', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('pythonCoding', 'gravel', '', 'bold')
" }}}
" SLIMV {{{
" Rainbow parentheses
call s:HL('hlLevel0', 'gravel')
call s:HL('hlLevel1', 'orange')
call s:HL('hlLevel2', 'saltwatertaffy')
call s:HL('hlLevel3', 'dress')
call s:HL('hlLevel4', 'coffee')
call s:HL('hlLevel5', 'dirtyblonde')
call s:HL('hlLevel6', 'orange')
call s:HL('hlLevel7', 'saltwatertaffy')
call s:HL('hlLevel8', 'dress')
call s:HL('hlLevel9', 'coffee')
" }}}
" Vim {{{
call s:HL('VimCommentTitle', 'lightgravel', '', 'bold')
call s:HL('VimMapMod', 'dress', '', 'none')
call s:HL('VimMapModKey', 'dress', '', 'none')
call s:HL('VimNotation', 'dress', '', 'none')
call s:HL('VimBracket', 'dress', '', 'none')
" }}}
" }}}